Friday, May 21, 2010

Fresh & Local: Hana Fresh

Hana Fresh is a non profit organization that seeks to improve the health and wellness of the Moku of Hana particularly among Native Hawaiians and those who are underserved due to financial, cultural and geographic barriers.

Hana Fresh and Hana Health bring together farming and health care in a unique approach to community wellness. Hana Fresh supports the center's mission to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of chronic diseases through production and improved access to fresh fruits and vegetables. All produce grown is free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides and is picked fresh daily.

From Ryan Earehart:
As Produce Buyer and Manager for Mana Foods, the largest independent natural foods store in the state of Hawaii, I am always looking to develop new partnerships and nurture existing ones.
Hana Fresh, which is now one of our primary fresh local produce suppliers has done and continues to do a first class job at growing, grading, packing, and delivery of their fine fresh organic produce. We are into the second year of our partnership with Hana Fresh and it is so refreshing to see the diversity of their fresh offerings continuing to expand. We have hundreds of regular customers purchasing Hana Fresh Produce each week; in fact dozens are so passionate about Hana Fresh products that they alter their shopping days and times to coincide with Hana Fresh Deliveries. Hana Fresh has proven to be so consistent in their exceptional quality and regular delivery schedule that these customers are happy to plan their regular shopping around them.

Diversified organic agriculture is still an up and coming sector in the Hawaiian Islands and Hana Fresh is surely setting the standard for others to follow in the future. The demand for these products is growing weekly and we are excited about the possibility of having more fresh and value added items to offer our customers in the future. The Hana community is so blessed to have such a thriving operation in their area as it is a very isolated from the rest of the island. The people who live around Hana have little other options for regular reliable supply of diverse wholesome nutritious produce. I believe Hana Fresh is actually making Hana a more viable place to live and be sustainable on Maui. As a member of the Maui Community myself, I personally applaud all the efforts that Hana Fresh has undergone to get to their current level of service to our community and look forward to what the future has in store.

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