Friday, May 20, 2011

Produce News: Summer fruits are here

Last week, we saw the first apricots of the season arrive at Mana Foods and this week brings us more firsts.

Check out the local watermelons from Ululani Farms, a 50 acre Mango, Papaya and Watermelon Farm on the island of Moloka'i. We have 2 varieties, the sugar babies are smaller, rounder with a very dark green skin. The Crimson Sweets are oblong and have a lighter variegated skin.

Also, cherries! Brooks Cherries are an early variety with a large fruit, similar to Bing. They have a dark color and its flavor is sweet, rich and well-balanced. It's flesh is firm and crisp with luscious shades of red and pink. It used to be that early variety cherries were always a bit tart and tangy, but not anymore!

This week, we are getting red and green grapes too. Whooot! Summer is coming!

1 comment:

  1. thanx for putting the write-up. Indeed, now we seem to rely more on Coke etc for beating the summer heat. Lets go for Frruits-Naturally Yum!!
